Seller Resources

Contact us about selling your condo
Learn how to get the most for your condo and get it sold in the shortest amount of time possible. Or review the links below for more information.

This Month In Real Estate
A monthly snapshot of the numbers and trends that drive the national real estate market, as well as expert opinion and analysis.

Eight steps to selling your condo
Why are you selling? What price should you ask? How do I make my condo more attractive? Your real estate agent can help you get the best price in the least amount of time.

How can a real estate agent help me sell my condo?
Lots of questions you can ask to help you find the right Realtor.

Understanding agency...who works for whom?
Boating in Northwest FloridaDoes your Realtor represent you as a single agent or a transaction broker? Learn about the differences.

How to price your condo to sell
Your real estate agent's knowledge of the overall market and what's selling - or not selling - will be invaluable in helping you determine your listing price.

Practicing good seller's etiquette
As with any business transaction, there is an expected protocol to how sellers, buyers and their respective agents interact.

Understanding the buyer
Numerous factors influence buyers, and the more your condo matches these qualifications, the more competitive it will be in the marketplace.

Increasing your condo's appeal
Remember the 60-second rule: That's all the time you have to create a winning first impression.